As a teacher, tackle primary care in learning and studying in a realistic and differentiated manner

Objective: Neurological functioning of learning and impact of learning and development problems on learning and studying.

How can you, as a teacher-coach, respond to the needs of your class in a solution-oriented & motivating way without drowning in your work?

According to the student guidance decree, every school must develop, implement and evaluate an integrated policy on student guidance. Teachers play a crucial role in this as primary care.

During this two-day round of student guidance, we focus on the domain of learning and studying.

  • On the first day of training we build a frame of reference. What is learning and which coaching is stimulating and activating? We first refresh some important scientific-pedagogical positions and methodologies. We then zoom in on how our brain works, because this insight is essential to (better) motivate students. Through exercises, the influence of our brain on our learning and its importance in our way of coaching is made concrete. We also make time to submit questions or concrete cases.
  • On the second day of training we consider various learning and development problems such as autism, giftedness, high sensitivity, DCD ... and more general learning problems such as demotivation, fear of failure, procrastination ... Teachers are often at a loss and think/say: 'Differentiation is all there. well and good, but how do you do that in a large class with various care/learning problems? And every class needs its own care! I'm not trained for this.'
    In addition to the tips from day one about motivational coaching, during day two some crucial learning to learn tools are also provided so that a differentiated care approach can be feasible and workable as a teacher and can be profitable for all students. Here too, experience-oriented exercises are integrated and space is provided for discussing your own cases.

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