The Little Prehistory: Workshop

If you opt for this playful and interactive workshop, tailored to children from six to eleven years old, depending on the weather conditions, we will introduce you to the hunter-gatherers (until 10,000 years ago) or the farmers. The first workshop will take place in the open air.

In good weather we go to 'an open space in the woods'. As true hunter-gatherers we look for our food together and we go hunting with bow and arrow. Afterwards we sit around the campfire where we tell stories, make music and string jewelry together.

In bad weather, the children are welcome in the stable of a family from the Stone Age (until 2,000 years ago), the period when people settled in one place because they no longer had to hunt for their food. Once gathered around the hearth, the head of the family shows his house, which is also his workplace. We playfully work our way through all the chores that had to be done day in and day out.

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