On the Track of the Future: Arena District

In 2007 Antwerp gave Averechts cityLabo, the new city laboratory, its baptismal font. cityLabo goes into the city in search of the interaction between people and urban architecture. How do city visitors and residents experience 'their' city of the 21st century? Will it be a safe nest, or a cancer site? What does the ideal city look like according to the 'man/woman in the street' and the urban planner? How can both parties mean something to each other?
CityLabo wants to ask these and many other questions publicly, in an ever-evolving think tank that brings professionals and city users together.

In 2008 it was just half a century ago that Expo 58, the first post-war world exhibition, was organized in Brussels. In many ways the Expo was a pivotal moment in the history of our 'modern' Belgium.

Antwerp also shared in the Expo madness. At the request of the Antwerp Heritage Cell , cityLabo designed a city route through Antwerp, revealing all kinds of traces of that fascinating decade of the fifties. The question that mainly occupied us: how did the Antwerp residents and city planners see the future of their city in 1958?

On the trail of the future, don't just look back. Our future is also discussed. cityLabo has selected a few development projects for this purpose in which 21st century Antwerp is being built.

This route includes a guided bus tour, a beautiful reference book, a route plan and an audio guide.

Thanks to Vic Meeus


Such audio fragments can also be used in the classroom. There used to be such a thing as School Radio with listening assignments. Those who feel called to make their own questions with this audio fragment and share them with KlasCement.

Translated by Google. Warning: The information on this contribution may be automatically translated by Google and may contain mistakes. Display translated fields in the original language: Dutch.

mp3  •  1.9 MiB
Steven Duyver
Teacher, Prevention advisor, …

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