Aziza learns to cycle: Learning path

In this webquest you follow the story of Aziza. Aziza cannot ride a bicycle and she would like to learn this. The webquest contains a total of eleven different exercises, two of which are movies.

  1. Aziza reads a flyer about a cycling course for adults.
  2. She registers via a digital form.
  3. Aziza learns more about the bicycle: the names of the different parts.
  4. The students watch a video about cycling lessons for adults.
  5. Aziza writes an e-mail to her friend in which she tells about the cycling lessons.
  6. She learns about more about safety in traffic: road signs and flyer about road deaths.
  7. Aziza would like to buy a bicycle. She is looking at the offer on
  8. She calls for an ad.
  9. Aziza repairs her bike (video).

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